No model is perfect, they are only approximations.
Some approximations are useful and provide insights.
Models that look too good to be true generally are not reliable.
then it generally is.
If a model looks too good to be
true, then it generally is.
One must remember,
however, that no model is perfect, and that all models are merely approximations.
But some of these approximations will turn out to be useful and lead to insights.
One needs to become a critical user of models. If a model looks too good to be
true, then it generally is. Models need to be checked, and we emphasized earlier
that models should not be evaluated on the data that had been used to build them.
Models are “fine-tuned” to the data of the training set, and it is not obvious whether
this good performance carries over to other data sets.
>If a model looks too good to be true, then it generally is.
>Models are “fine-tuned” to the data of the training set, and it is not obvious whether this good performance carries over to other data sets.
「(数学)モデルはtraining set(数学モデルの構築に使ったデータ)に対してのみ最適に微調整されるので、その他のデータ(実際の運用時のもの等)で上手く行くとは限らない。」
にうまくつながります。training setに対してだけ最適化しすぎた(too good)モデルは、実使用では役に立たないということです。統計的な手法では必ず外れるものが存在するのに、もしモデル構築用の限られたデータ(と、テスト用データ:test set)ではことごとく的中するなら、どこかおかしいわけですね。
表現レベルでみると、英語ではおおむね、too goodはbadの意味です。日本語の「良い」→「良すぎる」と強める意味にはなりません。
If a model looks too good to be true, then it generally is (too good to be true).
二回目のtoo good to be trueは、否定的な意味ですね。
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