分詞の問題なのですが、( )内を前文と同じ意味に。
(1)Someone stole his money.
He (was) his money (stolen).
(2)They did not understand what she meant.
She could not make (themselves) (understood).
(3)As it was Sunday, there was no school.
( ) ( )Sunday, there was no school.
(4)Written in plain English, this book is easy to read.
(Being) (this) (book) is written in plain English, it is easy to read.
(5)Admitting what you say, Istill think you are wrong.
(All) (things) (considered) what you say, I still think you are wrong.
(6)He is a boywhose name is Paul.
He is a boy (named) Paul.
(7)She was questioned by the police. She then denied that she was a member of the group.
( ) ( ) by the police, she denied that she was a member of the group.
(8)When we see the big rock from a distance, it lookes like an old castle.
(Seen) from a distance, the big rock looks like an old castle.
(9)I tried every plan.
i left ( ) plan ( ).
(10)They will start early, if it is fine.
They will start early, weather ( ).
(1)We danced, as we sang merrily.
Dansing our, as we sang merrily.
(2)As it is written in easy English, this book is suitable for beginners.
Writting in easy English, this book~
(3)He said nothing and went out of the room.
こんにちは!(*^0^*) 回答どうも有難うございます! 前回,お礼文の文をわざわざ下さって有難うございました。 すぐにお返事を書いたのですが、まもなく削除されました。^o^;;; でも、こういうところが「教えて!goo」さんのすごいところですよね! しっかり管理してくれているので、「荒らし」なども防げるのだと思います。 またお会いできることを楽しみにしています。
fly by で、時間が飛ぶように過ぎ去る、速く過ぎる という句動詞になると思いますが、 Time flies when you are having fun. 楽しんでいるときは、時間はアッという間に過ぎていく。 How time flies! 時が経つのは何て早いんだろう! という使い方をするようなので、byは無くてもOKかな? と思いましたが、やはり必要でしょうか? お忙しいと思いますが、お時間のある時に回答して頂けると嬉しいです。