• 締切済み


友達なのでカジュアルな感じでお願いしますm(_ _)m 今日N.Yを発つよ 語学学校にも行って先生に会って来たよ!彼も元気そうだったし、私の事もあなたの事も覚えていてくれてあなたが結婚してワシントンに住んでいる事も知ってたよ。 写真を一緒に撮ったから多分フェイスブックで見れると思う!私のはパスワードがなくて使えないから彼のでみれるんじゃないかな 先生に会えて凄く嬉しかった 。 そんで昨日はナイアガラを見に行って来たけど凄い迫力だったよ。滝に飲み込まれそうで、とても興奮した。 短いN.Yの旅行だったけど今回は両親も一緒だし、兄にも会えて彼の働いてるレストランにも行けたからとても充実した家族旅行だったよ でも一つ残念だったことはやっぱり友達のあなたに会えなかったことかな。凄く突然だったから、しょうがないけど... でも、絶対あなたに会いにワシントンに行くから連絡は取り続けましょう! 出来れば今年中に行きたいのだけれど、あなたが休みをまとめて取れるのはクリスマスの時だけ? 仕事の話を聞いたら凄く忙しそうだし、大変そうね。でもあなたが頑張って働いている姿を想像したら、あなたのお店に行ってみたくなった。 あなたと連絡が取れて、本当に嬉しかった やっぱり私達はベストフレンドね また日本に着いたら連絡するね Skypeもしましょう



Today I will leave New York I went language school and talked with the teacher. He looked fine. Sure he remember not only me but also you. as well He knew you were married and now living in Washington DC. We took photo together so you could see with his face book, (my face book is not available as Pass word is missing, but his one is no problem.) I was so happy to talk with teacher. Then Yesterday, I went Niagara Falls, So Excited. Wonderful , as it looked as if I were involved into the great fall, Even through a short trip in NY but enjoyed a lot, as parents are company, and we could visit a restraint, where my brother is working now. Only one missing thing was I could not see you. Reason why is all conditions were so sudden and no time allowance to arrange it But I have a another schedule to call for Washington DC to see you, So lets keep touch with. I would like to Visit Washington DC within this year. How about your schedule ? Your available period to take (Off Time) is Christmas Holidays only? I afraid you might be very busy, but I feel like seeing you, working hard in your place , it must be impressing for me. I want to call for your place and see you. I feel very happy to write to you. Have found once again we are the best friend. Will revert you when I back to Japan. Lets tak with Skype also see you soon
