• 締切済み


(1)英訳(仮定法を使います) 1、こんなに肌寒くなければ、川に泳ぎに行くのだけど。(肌寒く chilly) 2、もしあなたが会合に出席していたら、私はあなたに会っていたでしょう。(出席する attend) 3、もしも昨日天気がよかったならば、私達はテニスができたのに。 4、あなたはもう少し早く起きていたら、その列車を逃すことはなかったのに。(逃す miss) (2)適切な語を空所にいれる 石油を使わなくても生活できさえすればいいんだけど If only we ___ ___ without using oil. そうね。もしも世界に車がなければ、空気はもっときれいになるでしょう You're right. If there ___ ___ cars in the world, the air ___ ___ cleaner. 枯れた森林を再生できれば、地球温暖化やわ止められるかもしれませんよ If we ___ revive the dead forests, we ___ be able to ___ global warming.


  • sayshe
  • ベストアンサー率77% (4555/5904)

(1) 1. If it were not so chilly, I would go swimming in the river. 2. If you had attended the meeting, I would have seen you. 3. If it had been sunny yesterday, we could have played tennis. 4. If you had gotten up a little earlier, you would not have missed the train. (2) If only we could live without using oil. You're right. If there were no cars in the world, the air would be cleaner. If we could revive the dead forests, we might be able to stop global warming.

