Emphatic Tenses ???
emphatic tense , present emphatic, past emphatic
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Emphatic Tenses
The two emphatic tenses receive their name because they are used for emphasis. More commonly, however, they are used with the negative not and with questions when the normal order is inverted and part of the verb comes before the subject.
The present emphatic tense is formed by adding the basic present form of the verb to the present tense of the verb to do (do or does).
The past emphatic tense is formed by adding the basic present form of the verb to the past tense of the verb to do (did).
Present emphatic: ③Does he run fast? ①He does run fast. ④He does not run slowly.
Past emphatic: ①He did come to work today. ②Didn't he stay home?
③He did not stay home today.
と解説にあり、①②は学校でも習ったし、強調使用と理解できますが、③は普通の疑問文④は普通の否定文ではないのですか?fast, slowlyやtodayがつくから、なんらかの強調が入ってるってこと? 普通の疑問文とこのemphatic tenseとの区別がつきません。他に例があればもっと頂けると助かります。宜しくお願い致します。