• 締切済み


Being alive Being alive, now That is being thirsty That is the glare of the sunlight That is the sudden remembrance of a melody That is sneezing That is holding hands with you Being alive Being alive, now That is a miniskirt That is a planetarium That is Johann Strauss It is Picasso It is the Alps That is meeting everything beautiful and carefully shaking off the evil hidden away in it. Being alive Being alive, now That is being able to cry That is being able to laugh That is being able to be angry That is freedom Being alive Being alive, now That is somewhere out there a dog is barking now That is the earth is spinning now That is somewhere out there is someone's first cries That is somewhere out there a soldier is in pain now That is somewhere out there empty swings sway back and forth now And now, now is gone Being alive Being alive, now That is a bird fluttering its wings That is the waves drifting in and out That is the snail crawling on the ground That is people loving one another The warmth of your hand That is giving me life この詩は谷川俊太郎さんの詩です。 英語が得意な方、poetic devices (simile.. Personificationなどなど…) 探していただけないでしょうか? よろしくお願いします。


  • miknnik
  • ベストアンサー率48% (249/513)

この詩のほとんど全て(That/itで始まる部分)は比喩、metaphor と呼ばれるものです。Metaphor と simile の違いは下記の通りです: He's a teddy bear. (Metaphor) He's like a teddy bear. (Simile) 比喩では二つの異なるもの、この例では人間と縫いぐるみ、を同格に扱っていますが、simile では like を使い「~みたいなもの」とするだけの違いです。 Personification は人間でない生き物、無機物、そのアクションをあたかも人間、または人間が行う様に記述するものです: The village was suckled by the night. Suckle というのは、母親が嬰児に乳を与えるために胸に抱く意味ですが、ここでは村が夜/暗闇の胸に抱かれる、つまり包み込まれたという表現をしています。

