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※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:英検1級のエッセイを書きました。)

Is Too Much Emphasis Put on Work in Modern Society?

  • Family relations of workers are in precarious situations due to the emphasis on work, leading to a lack of time and rest with one's family.
  • The health of workers is being compromised, as evidenced by the increase in suicides and illnesses.
  • The rise in temporary employment has the potential to force workers to work longer hours and exacerbate the aforementioned issues.


  • ベストアンサー
  • sknuuu
  • ベストアンサー率43% (408/934)

いきなり添削をします Work has been one of the most important issue in people's life throughout the history. Nevertheless, I[, however,] believe that too much emphasis is put on work in our modern society. (ここは、neverthlessではなくて、簡単に"however"でいいと思います あと"issue[s]") First of all, family relations of the workers are in precarious situations. ("a precarious situation"でいいような気がします) A large proportion of the workers in Japan[,] in other terms[,] widely known as "salary man"[,] tend to become workaholic[,] and therefore not being able to spend time with their family. Although this might (もしくは"may") not sound serious, a lack of time and rest with one's family in private life could (もしくは"can")result in mangling the job. (might & couldはちょっと弱いような気がしました あと[,]は追加した方がいいです) In addition, (take) the health of the workers (takeはいらないかも もしくは"has worsened"or"has become worse"). The statistics show us the number of people who commit suicide or become sick is growing [has grownのほうがいいかも] precipitously in the last few decades. This ["trend"とか何か名詞を入れたほうがいいです] obviously implies (implyをobviouslyで修飾するのはおかしい 何も入れないくてもいいのでは) that too much emphasis that too much emphasis is put on work [ここは同じ意味でparaphraseするとか]. Finally, the increase in [the] temporary employment [rate?] is boosting the (the) temporary (employed)(これいらないかな…) workers['] motivation toward work. This is not entirely a negative trend, however,there is a concern that it could (もしくはwould) force them to work unduly longer hours, (which could possibly result)(簡単に"resulting"でどうでしょう) in the two aforesaid points[, less contacts with family & the deteriorated helth condition of workers でいいですか?]. (ただこのパラは第1文と第2文各々の理由がよくわからない そして第1と第2文との関連がわからないです) Too much emphasis is put on work in modern society. (ここは"Too much emphasis causes (or "brings about") many problems"とかはどうですか) An immediate action must be taken in order to alleviate this impending issue. 文、そして全体の構成は大丈夫なんですが、各パラグラフにおける文同士の関連(理由)が不明なところがあるので、各パラグラフの第1文をサポートする第2文意向の内容、構成をもう少し考えたほうがいいかもです 最後のconclusionも少し弱いです



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