• 締切済み


エジソンの伝記についての一節です。 日本語訳をお願いします。 The ground floor held Edison ’s mechanical equipment , and the second floor became his testing laboratory. In a short time there was also a machine shop, carpentry shop, business office, library, and several small outbuildings. Tom bought a nearby farmhouse for Mary and his children.


  • bakansky
  • ベストアンサー率48% (3502/7245)

> The ground floor held Edison's mechanical equipment , and the second floor became his testing laboratory. In a short time there was also a machine shop, carpentry shop, business office, library, and several small outbuildings. Tom bought a nearby farmhouse for Mary and his children.  「地下室は機械類の置き場で、2階が実験室になった。短い間のことだが、機械や大工道具の販売店、事務所、書斎、それにいくつか小さな別棟もあった。エジソンは、妻のメアリーと子どもたちの住まいとして、近くの農家を買った」
