Thank you so very much that you gave me wonderful English lessons and I had a lot of happy memories and great experience in your class.
それらは、未来へも繫がる大切な私だけの宝物なので、心の中の特別な場所に、カギをして、ズ~ットとっておくね! ←前半が上手く言い回せていません。。。。
They became treasures to ties with future for me so, I save and lock them up and away in the deepest corners of my heart.
You are, to me, the best English teacher ever. . Your method of teaching and ideas are GREAT!
In this occasion, I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to you, for miracle that I have met you and all goodness that you have brought to my life. Thank you so much from bottom of my heart.
Do you still remember the birthday card that I had written you?
あれが今も変わらず、毎瞬、あなたに伝えたい私の気持だよ!← 書き方わかりませんでした
I still feel the same way now, every waking moment.
And then, most gratitude to you is this☆
I can't tell you exactly enough what I am thinking and feeling in English so, I think there has been a lot of time when you 感性や想像力を働かせて(英語でわかりません!)and tried to understand me.
However you have always make sure to listen to me until the end in a nice manner.
Thank you so much. It means a lot to me☆
I will hitherto work even harder
Finally, I am always rooting for you!!!!!
If there is anything I can do for you, please don't hesitate to let me know.
Dear xxxx,
Thank you so much for wonderful English lessons giving me with a lot of happy memories and great experience. You are the best English teacher that I have ever met. Your teaching style is amazing and so professional. Those memories and experience are my treasure leading me to the future, and I keep them in safe in my mind.
Do you remember the birthday card that I sent to you? The message in the card is what I am still feeling now. Also I like to say thank you again for your patience and for trying to understand what I tried to say. English is so hard for me to use and I can't tell you exactly what I am thinking and feeling. I think I gave you hard but you were always so nice to keep listening and understanding me using your imagination. I really appreciate your attitude.☆
I will be doing my best on English study, and I wish you will be successful on your business. Please feel free to tell me if there is anything I can do for you. Keep in touch!
質問者さんの表現を活かして訂正は最低限にしています。ただし文の順番は少し変えています。 また「あなたと出会えた奇跡と、いつも楽しく過ごさせて貰える事に、心からの感謝を贈りたいです☆本当にどうもありがとう」と言う表現(英文)はもしかすると質問者さんが一番伝えたかったことかもしれませんが、あえて削除しています。 Miracleに関して感謝の気持ちを先生に送るのは違和感があります。日本語表現では曖昧になりますが、この種の感謝は「神様・仏様」にするものではないでしょうか? またその表現が無くても他の段落で質問者さんの先生に対する気持ちは十分に伝わっていますし、これ以上の「ありがとう」は手紙全体がクドクなるのではないでしょうか?
これだけの伝えたい気持ちがあれば、質問者さんの英語のレベルはすぐに3ランクアップしますね。 新たな展開もありそうですからがんばってください。
Good Luck!
ご丁寧にどうもありがとうございました。 とっても助かりました。 はい、3ランクアップできたら嬉しいです。。。が、実際、びっくりする程英語が上達しません! 頑張って精進してまいります。 このたびは、本当に素晴しいお力添えを頂けました事を心から感謝しております。 改めまして、どうもありがとうございました。