(1)「Hi Gonzo! Thank you for accepting me as a friend on Facebook. I have to say that we are all extremely disappointed that you are considering not coming to visit us. You are about the same age as my daughter, Kat, whom you have been talking to on Facebook and this is the best time to visit: 1) Kat is always very busy and her husband is away in Afganistan and won't be back until July. 2) You have the most amazing grandmother and she really, really wants to meet you! This may be your last chance but, of course, we are hoping she lives to be 100 years old. 3) You have amazing second-cousins here in Northen California, near where I live, and your uncle owns the best Japanese Sushi Restaurant in San Francisco. If you wait until you are rich, it may never happen. However, what you don't realize is that you have the most amazing opportunity right now, not in the future, to realize your dreams. If you think Hawaii is great, which it is, you will be amazed at California! We are all willing to help you out!
Love, your Aunt Maggie 」
(2)I see. Too bad, maybe one day :).
Maybe one day I could go out there as well. It'd be nice to see Japan. Your English is pretty good! Can you speak/understand English better than writing? I know that's the case with most people...the written part is usually the hardest. I learned some Japanese in school in 7th grade but I don't remember much. I just know a tiny bit from Grandma Taeko.
Cool you were able to go to Hawaii. I've still never been. I might go this summer though. One of my husband's co-workers is getting married there. I've been wanting to go a long time.
Well it's been good talking to you! It's neat having a relative my own age :). TTYL (talk to you later)!
有難う御座います。 和訳を読んでみて、ますますアメリカに行ってみたいと思いました。 このメールの前に、お金がないから金持ちになったら行きますと言ってたもので… 旅費がない以上、どうしようもない現状ですけどね(汗 とにかくマギーおばさんに返事しようと思います。
下のメールはマギーおばさんの娘、Katのメールです。 自分なりに訳してみましたが、合ってますかね? なるほど、最悪だね。たぶんいつかね。 たぶんいつか、私も日本に行けるかも。日本見てみたいし。 君の英語はかなり良い!君は、書き込む以上に話したり理解したりできますか? 私は多くのケースを知ってますが、通常君の書いた文はすごく難しいはず。 私は中1の時日本語を少し学びましたが、殆ど覚えてません。 私は、妙子おばあちゃんに少し教えてもらった程度です。 ハワイに行けたんだ。クール!私はまだ行った事がないけどこの夏行くかもしれません。 私の夫の同僚がそこで結婚しています。私はハワイに行くのを待ちわびています。 えっと、君と話せてよかった(照) 同い年の血族がいるというのは、素晴らしいですね。ではまた話しましょう。