The consequences of a possible breakup in Europe's economy
Some have suggested a temporary departure to rebalance Europe's economy, but a breakup would not be amicable and orderly.
Disentangling the eurozone would lead to disaster everywhere, as the markets are highly integrated.
It's like making an omelette with eggs - once it's made, it cannot be unscrambled.
Some have floated the idea of a temporary departure in order to rebalance Europe's economy.
Yet a breakup, if it comes, would likely not be amicable and orderly, says Daniel Gros of the Centre for
European Policy Studies in Brussels. "The markets are so integrated that it would lead to disaster everywhere if you tried to disentangle the eurozone... It's like if you take some eggs, make an omelette. You can do that, but you cannot unscramble the omelette."
しかしながら、もしそれが実現しても、和気藹々、秩序整然と行われることはあるまい、とブリュッセルにあるヨーロッパ政策研究センター(Centre for European Policy Studies)のダニエル・グロは言う。