「は」の前は旧情報後ろが旧情報 「が」の前は新情報、後ろが旧情報になります。
は is used to explain when you want to say something that you don't know after the letter「は」. so the word that is before 「は」is the old information and the one after 「は」 is the new information. For example, Watashi は Suzuki desu. In this case, the information that you want to know is Suzuki. And Watashi has been known by the listener already. Imagine when you go to the school the first day, you would introduce yourself and you say I am Suzuki. What we can know from this sentence is the person who speaks in front of us is Suzuki and we know the person because we are looking at him, but we want to know the name of the person. so you have to use は in this situation.
On the other hand, 「が」 explain that the word before 「が」 is the new information and the sentence after 「が」 is the old information. For example when you use Watashi が Suzuki desu is that as entering a class room, there are people who are looking for some one, and you ask them,
'Who are you looking for?' Then they tell you that they are looking for a person who has a name Suzuki. So they know the name of the person,so the old information is Suzuki. However, they don know who Suzuki is. So you would say 'Suzuki is me!' . In this situation, the new information is ME. In Japanese we say Watashi が Suzuki desu. Suzuki is the old information, and Watashi is the new information.
Speaking of the question, in the sentence, you can find a information that they are talking about the residence and the apartment where he/she use to live, before the sentence 'でも今のアパート【 】大学まで歩いて10分ぐらいです. '
So the old information is the apartment. Then, the new information is that it takes about 10 minute to the university. According to the explanation, you have to use は for this question.
You can never use が for this sentence because it says, From THE apartment where I live now, it takes about 10 minute to the university. When you speak English, you have to use A for the new information, and you never use A for the old information. In Japanese, when the subject that indicates it is the old information, we use 「は」 instead of THE.
こんにちは。 感激してしまいました!!! 長文に渡るご説明、しかもご丁寧に英文もつけてくださって 御礼の言葉のみならず、 できるものなら何か感謝の品でも贈らせていただきたいくらい感激しました。 どうもありがとうございました。 プリントして彼に渡します。 おいそがしいところを、ありがとうございました。