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Elsewhere in the city M. Holconius Rufus appears again, this time with his brother Holconius Celer, another leading figure in the imperial cult and the local administration, carrying out major alterations to the large theatre: they built a crypta (probably an annular corridor which supported an extra tier of seating at the back of the auditorium), tribunalia (the boxes constructed over the side-passages, or parodoi, which led to the area in front of the stage), and the theatrum, (presumably the seating in general).
Apparently the Holconii not only enlarged and refurbished the auditorium but also, by adding tribunalia, completed the conversion of the theatre from its old Hellenistic form, in which the auditorium was separate from the stage-building, to something approaching the standard Roman type in which the two elements were unified in a single structure.
Investing in civic theatres was a widespread cultural phenomenon of the reign of Augustus, for which the emperor himself set a precedent by his dedication of the monumental Theatre of Marcellus in Rome.
A further major building of the Augustan period cannot, for lack of evidence, be connected with any individual benefactors but fits the same pattern of conformance to government ideology: the so-called Large Palaestra, situated next to the amphitheatre.
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