p53阻害剤とアポトーシスについてです (論文)
(Q). Insufficiency of p53 is associated with a high risk of spontaneous tumors. The suppression of p53 during antitumor therapy may result in the survival of genetically changed cells in radiosensitive tissues which normally would be eliminated by p53-dependent apoptosis. This can increase the risk of appearance of new tumors.
に対する答えが(A)なのですが、訳しても意味がわかりません. 助けていただけませんでしょうか.
(A). Except for hemopoietic stem cells, the differentiating and differentiated cells of radiosensitive tissues are characterized by sensitivity to p53-dependent apoptosis; the survival of clonogenic cells does not depend on p53. Therefore, the suppression of p53 should not affect the amount of genetically changed cells among the surviving stem cells, and, consequently, such a treatment should not increase the risk of appearance of secondary tumors. For a long time colony-stimulating growth factors have been used during chemotherapy with the purpose of stimulating the recovery of hemopoiesis. However, the therapeutic effect of these factors is more likely to be associated with the inhibition of the p53-dependent apoptosis [91] due to activation of the so-called survival pathways, that is, of the signal pathways responsible for cell survival.
またまたお世話になります。 p53は様々な調節に関与しているようで,それらの雑炊のようなもの全体を「経路」と表現しているわけですね。私にはそれで充分です。有難うございました。 子供に「p53はG1ブロック以外に何やってんだ。」と聞きましたら「アポトーシス誘導等いろいろやってるよ。それがすべて解れば,ノーベル賞もらえるんじゃない。」といわれてしまいました。ぜひfujishiroさんもノーベル賞目指して研究にお励みください。