• 締切済み


どなたか英訳お願いします。 「基本的にはどんな音楽でも聴きます。リズムやベースの音、曲の雰囲気で知らず知らずのうちに趣味が傾倒しがちですが、国や年代、ジャンルなどは気にしていません。」



Basically I listen to all kinds of music, regardless of its country, age or genre, although I may have a unconscious preference which comes from the rhythm, bass sound or its atmosphere.

  • kanasan39
  • ベストアンサー率52% (11/21)

Basically, I enjoy any kind of music. 趣味が傾倒しがちとは、偏りがちと判断してもいいのかな??? I often find myself listening to the similar taste of music based on its rythm, the bass sound and its vives. I do not usually care about where the music was born, the age and the genre. ではどうでしょうか。

  • SPS700
  • ベストアンサー率46% (15297/33016)

Basically I listen to all kinds of music. I am affected by the rhythm and the base sound, but I listen to all music, without preference to one nationality, age, or genre. でしょうか。
