- ベストアンサー
このようなグロテスクな論理を、スウィフトはあくまでも冷徹かつ算術的に提案している。その真意は、無論、鬼面人を驚かす類の反社会的ジョークとしてではない。それほどに当時のアイルランドの窮状は救いがたい域にまで達しているということの反語的な嘆息、あるいは救済の手を差し伸べられない当局への痛烈な皮肉によるものと解されよう。 の英訳をお願いいたします。
- みんなの回答 (3)
- 専門家の回答
こんなモンで我慢して下さい、、ませ、、、赤面の至り、突き当たり、、、、 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Jonathan Swift proposed such ugliest logic in his own cold-hearted and well-calculated way. His hidden but primary theme was not, needless to mention, as an apparent anti-social joke prepared to threaten people by its ugliness. His logic is supposed in a way to have been built to express his ironical sigh against the miserable situation in Ireland nobody could not help, or to mean his keen cynicism against Ireland authority who could not extend any helping hand to the situation there. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
その他の回答 (2)
- mabomk
- ベストアンサー率40% (1414/3521)
二番です、細かい訂正をば、、、 あの[not」は不要です、、、、、面目もありまっせん、、、、、 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Jonathan Swift proposed such ugliest logic in his own cold-hearted and well-calculated way. His hidden but primary theme was not, needless to mention, as an apparent anti-social joke prepared to threaten people by its ugliness. His logic is supposed in a way to have been built to express his ironical sigh against the miserable situation in Ireland nobody could [not] help, or to mean his keen cynicism against Ireland authority who could not extend any helping hand to the situation there. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
いま,定年退職する人の送別会から帰ってきて,へべれけの気まぐれで訳してますから,ほとんどあてになりませんし,細部ははしょってます 笑。まあ,無料の機械翻訳よりはましというくらいで。 Swift proposed such a grotesque logic cruelly and intentionally. His aim was, of course, not to state an anti-social joke which would surprise the most bloodless men. His statement can be recognized as an ironical grief of the hopeless Irish people of his time, or as the hostility toward the Irish authorities which could not help them.