資料には、バリ島で行われている闘鶏について、その賭け事に関するルールが書かれています。訳してほしい部分(1)には闘鶏の持ち主同士の賭け(center bet)、(2)には観客同士での賭け(the side bet)について述べられています。それでは、よろしくお願いします。闘鶏について、ある意図があり文中にはcockと書かれてます。
Of the fifty-seven matches for which I have exact and reliable data on the center bet, the range is from fifteen ringgits to five hundred, with a mean at eighty-five and with the distribution being rather noticeably trimodal: small fights(15 ringgits either side 35) accounting for about 45 per cent of total number; medium ones(20 ringgits either side 70) for about 25 per cent; and large(75 ringgits either side of 175) for about 20 per cent, with a few very small and very large ones out at the extremes.
The side bets are , however, something else altogether. Rather than the solemn, legalistic pactmaking of the center, wagering takes place rather in the fashion in which the stock exchange used to work when it was out on the curb. There is a fixed and knows odds paradigm which runs in a continuous series from ten-to-nine at the short end to two-to-one at the long:
10-9, 9-8 ,8-7, 7-6, 6-5, 5-4, 4-3, 3-2, 2-1. The man who wishes to back the underdog cock(leaving aside how favourites, and underdogs are established for the moment) shouts the short-side number indicating the odds he wants to be given.