Presently, I am in the UK, {London to be precise}, This is the reason I want to rent my apartment out
The only option at hand now is, if we can both go through the normal proceedure.. we can still arrive at exactly what you wanted. You can move in even if i am not there to usher you in.
The processes are not much, you only need to sign a Lease document {which we can both do online}, then you need to have some documents to yourself as proof of assurance, then we proceed to the payment level and giving you a reference number {like a code} which you would take to the FEDEX head office, to get the keys, because without the reference number, nobody can get the keys except someone i give it to and i would be called to confirm first.
Incase you want to be sure of how genuine the person is...this is the reason I would be willing to make available a scanned copy of my Passport and my Certificate of Occupancy, which I am not supposed to expose over the internet for security reasons.... but in this situation, we need to be sure of whom we are both dealing with.
I would need to prepare the Lease document with your {Full name, Present Contact address, and Phone number}. So, I would need you to give me the information required for the form which I listed above.
I would be expecting to read from you very soon.
回答ありがとうございます。 なるほど、前の文で"names of the officers..."とofficersのことを口にしているので、次の文でも「leaders」を含む節を前に出し、かつ"imagine"はもっと後ろで訳した方が滑らかに話が流れる、とういことですね。 実は私も「if... , imagine...」の順で初めは訳したんですが、それなら原文もifから始まっていてもいいのでは、と考えました。原文がimagineから始まってるのは、この話し手の想像が既に「衝撃」まで言ってしまっていて、はやる気持ちが「なぁ、お前も想像してみろよ」と言わせたからではないでしょうか。ifから始めれば確かに滑らかなんですが、ちょっと整理整頓されすぎかな、と思って原文に忠実にimagineを前に出したんです。 ところで「一度の急襲で殲滅する」の方が「さっと一網打尽にする」よりもいいかもしれませんね。一網打尽には「殺す」という意味はなくて、「捕まえる」んですよね。 最後に改めて、貴重なご意見ありがとうございました。