If you ever watched Star Trek, you'll remember Spock, the alien with the pointed ears.
Spock was half human and half Vulcan, an alien species that by some unusual fate happened to look remarkably human except for those obvious ears.
The similar look, however, concealed a deeper difference. Behind the human-like face lay an alien brain far superior to ours. In particular, the Vulcan race had no emotions. At some point in their past, Vulcans had done away with these primitive traces of their ancient animal origins. Now, no longer burdened by passion, they had attained a superhuman degree of rationality.
※Star Trek 1966年に放映が開始されたアメリカのSFテレビドラマシリーズ、Spockはその中に登場する異星人
すごーく分かりやすい説明、ありがとうございます。 これ、何かパズルの回答みたいですね。 そうです。確かに。ハウアーとはだれも発音しないんですよね。 英語は深い! 頑張らなくっちゃ! これからもよろしくお願いいたします。