Keio University
I am sorry that I can't type in Japanese on my computer because my computer can't install Japanese keyboard thing for some reasons. However, I am currently 22 years old, and I am in Community College (Tanki Daigaku) in America to complete my A.A degrees (Kiso Gaku). However, I am trying to re-enter university from the beginning next year. However, I am Japanese, but since I came here when I was 15 years old, I have no ideas when it comes to Japanese universities' admission rules.
Well, I am planning to take entrance examination with high school students next year. And I may choose Keio University. However, I don't want to take KIKOKUSHIJO exams, because it is competitive. Do you think that is it possible for me to take IPPAN NYUSHI with high school students to take exams for Keio University even though I graduated American High school? Please help me, I tries to collect all those information, but I somehow can't find any good resources and information. Thank you very much for your helps.
とても詳しい解説ありがとうございます。Ganbatteruyoさんは英語の質問の回答でとてもわかりやすい回答を多々しているのを知っています。この回答もとってもわかりやすいです。。なるほど、この子は「国語」が苦手なんですね。そういえば、そう思える文章が何個もあります。わかる範囲ならいいのですが、たまにわからないことがあります。。笑 僕も実は国語苦手だけど、向こうも僕みたいなこと思ってるのかなぁ…