• 締切済み

英語にできません。He runs wild..........

質問です、自分の愛猫を病院へ連れて行ったら、治療してもらってる再にとても痛がり大暴れしました。私は猫を押さえていたのですがあまりの痛さに猫は私の指を思い切り噛み暴れました。その後猫は回復しましたが私の指は痛いです。。。このことを英語にしたいのですがうまく出来ません。そんなに深刻にならない感じでかきたいのですが。。。 My cat runs wild in the consulting room, I kept him dowm. He had pain with ........ and He bit hard my finger .... すみませんが教えてください


  • googoo1956
  • ベストアンサー率47% (623/1316)

>She has recovered now, but my finger is still aching. 最後の文を次のように変えると皮肉な感じが出るかも。  Thanks to the treatment, she has recovered and my finger is still aching ・・・.

  • googoo1956
  • ベストアンサー率47% (623/1316)

 こんな英文はいかがでしょうか。  The other day I took my little cat to a veterinary.  While she was being treated, she ran wild with great pain.   I was holding her firmly in my breast ( or against the bed ), but she bit my finger as hard as she could.  She has recovered now, but my finger is still aching.

  • mabomk
  • ベストアンサー率40% (1414/3521)

My cat, while being treated at pet hospital, run wild and bit my finger maybe from his too much fear or pain. Now he has recovered, but since then I have some pain at my finger, instead, ha ha. maybe from his too much fear or pain よう分からんけど恐怖と痛さの余り 最後の「instead」「ha, ha」、その代わり、あれからあたしゃー指がまだ痛いよ、ハハハのハ。

  • trot
  • ベストアンサー率38% (17/44)

痛そう…、お気の毒です。 (+_+) こんなのでどうでしょうか。私の英語はブロークンですが、病院に行って治療を受けるとき、私ならこう言います: When I took my cat to a veterinarian, it(*1) got wild and bit my finger while I kept it(*1) down there during the treatment. The cat have been cured now, but, on the other hand, my finger still remains in pain since that. *1: 'it'の代わりに'he'や'she'でもいいです。 ただし、質問中にcurecshdiさんが書かれている'... and He bit hard my finger ....'と'He'を大文字で書くと、神様の意味になりますので、ご注意を。;)
