There was a young man who played the guitar in a band. He was working at a construction site during the day, while he was practicing the guitar in his band at night. One day, his father said, “You get a decent job. You quit your band.” However, he didn’t accept his father’s thought. His attitude at last made his father angry, but he ignored it and continued his band. Six months later, his dream came true. He could stand on the big stage in his concert. The concert was full of the audience. The young man was happy that his band became famous.
シンプルにかつ正確に!が極意です。裏技を一つ。I beg your pardon? は、減点対象です。また考慮時間も20秒がリミットです。
He was working at a construction site during the day, while he was practicing the guitar in his band at night.
→While he worked at a construction site during the day, he practiced the guitar with his band at night.
練習したのが、自宅であれば、for his band でしょうね。while は、文頭のほうが良いかと。また、過去の日常の暮らし向きを述べる場合は、進行形である必要はないと思います。
However, he didn’t accept his father’s thought.
→But he didn't listen to his father. という日本語的では有りますが、あちらの方が良く使う表現もあります。
His attitude at last made his father angry, but he ignored it and continued his band.
Though his father became furious at that attitude of his, he kept playing the guitar.といった言い方もできます。
Six months later, his dream came true. は、全く問題ないと思います。
He could stand on the big stage in his concert. The concert was full of the audience. The young man was happy that his band became famous.
→He performed on the big stage in his own gig. The place was packed with people. The young man was really happy, for his band actually became popular.
質問者様の文章も文法的には全く問題ないのですが、やはり、英語を第二外国語とする人が書いた英文然としてるのです。ただ、接続詞 that の使い方はお上手ですね!