Dear 自分の名前,
We noticed that you haven't confirmed your email address for the PayPal account you recently signed up for.
It only takes a minute to confirm your email and get access to all the great features PayPal offers, including:
Proven payment network - PayPal has over 35 million members in 38 countries worldwide
Instant and secure payments - Send money to anyone with an email address
Auction and merchant tools - It's never been easier to sell online
Why wait? To confirm that this is your email address, click here and enter your password.
You can also confirm your email address by logging into your PayPal account at https://www.paypal.com/row/. Click on the "Confirm email" link in the Activate Account box and then enter this confirmation number: -数字の羅列
After your email address is confirmed, the uses for your PayPal account are limitless. To get started, look for auctions on eBay or browse the thousands of merchant websites that accept PayPal payments.
Thank you for using PayPal!
The PayPal Team