It is also full of nutrition, using, as it does, eggs, bacon and grated cheese.
先日行われた東工大の前期入試・英語大問IIの本文に次の英文がありました。スパゲッティーの話です。第2文の後半 using, as it does, eggs, bacon (or ham in some variations) and grated cheese.のas it does,のところはどう理解すればいいんでしょうか?
Spaghetti alla carbonara is a solid dish that fills you up like no other similar pasta. It is also full of nutrition, using, as it does, eggs, bacon (or ham in some variations) and grated cheese.
Standing as it does on the hill, the church has the good command of the whole city.
のas it does と同じような使い方だと思うのですが。一種の強調といった感じなのでしょうか? asは接続詞でしょうか?いくつか英和辞書でasを引いてみたんですが、よくわかりませんでした。