【原文】In the preceding analysis, we have assumed that a 10% depreciation/devaluation will lead to a rise in price of imports by 10%. In the real world this might not be valid, and economists use the term pass through effect to describe the extent to which a 1% depreciation (appreciation) leads to a rise (fall) in import prices. If there is complete pass-through, a 10% depreciation (appreciation) of the currency leads to a 10% rise (fall) in import prices. If, however, a 10% depreciation (appreciation) leads to only a 6% rise (fall) in import prices, then there is only a partial pass-through effect, with the elasticity of exchange rate pass-through being 0.6. there are numerous reasons advanced as to why an x% depreciation of the exchange rate may lead to a less than x% rise in prices in the short run.
特に、文中の「pass-through effect」という語句を調べると「浸透効果」と出てきたのですが、よく分かりません。
みなさん、ありがとうございます。mergedを受動態と思いこんでいて、currenciesとlanguage blendingが補語にあたる言葉だとは思いませんでした。 本当に助かりました。