English become the official language of the United State almost by accident! In the aftermath of the War of Independence and the creation of the new country there were several contenders for the title. French(thanks of Lafayette), Dutch and a native Indian language are seriously considered but English was the most pratical solution, even though it was the language of the former colonial power.
この文章によると英語がアメリカの公用語になったのは ほとんど偶然であり、他にもフランス語、オランダ語、インディアンの土着の言語が名乗りを挙げていたそうですね。そして 最後の“even though it was the language of the former colonial power”の部分ですが、これはアメリカがイギリスから独立する時、英語以外の言語を推進する動きが自然とあったということなんでしょうか?更に英文は続きます。
In 1828, the lexicographer Noah Webster published his American Dictionary of the English Language, which contained a number of innovations; most especially, he attemped to bring American spelling closer to pronunciation.