「Northern rain tightens cattle market」
The heavy rain across northern and central Queensland was the feature of livestock markets this week, impacting cattle movements from paddock to processors,asflood-impacted parts of NSW and Victoria continue to dry-out.
Reduced cattle and lamb yardings for the week helped to lift prices for most categories, with the EYCI up 3¢,395.5¢/kg cwt,while heavylambs increased 13¢, to 453¢/kg cwt.
A very wet week across much of Queenaland again disrupted the cattle market, with the Longreach sale cancelled and reduced numbers at Dalby and the Roma prime sale on Thursday .
In response, prices were mostly higher this week, with trade steers(330-400kg lwt)in Queenslandjumping 19¢ on last week, to average 390¢/kg cwt.
Nationnally, mediumcows averaged 5 ¢ higher,at 298¢/kg cwt.
Lamb prices edged higher across all but the lightest category this week, with yardings nationally back 16% on the previous week and 19% year-on-year.
Trade lambs nationally averaged 8¢ higher,at 469¢kg cwt, with prices in SA averaging 33¢ higher on last week.
However, reflecting the higher numbers of last week, and the steady supply of lambs goings direct to works, over-the-hooks prices were back 10¢ this week, averaging 458¢ nationally for heavy lambs.
Another small positive for exporters this week was the decline in the A$, trading near 1 4US$ -its lowest level since mid-January.
Hopefully this will help to add some impetus to export demand, with beef and veal exports for the first two weeks of March just exceeding 40000tonnesswt(DAFF)
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