- ベストアンサー
「神との対話」で、神様が私がどこにいようと、何をしようと常に手を差し伸べてくださるということを知りました。 あなたさえも私の為に神と同じ考えでいて下さっていることを決して忘れません。 こんな文章を遺しやがって!と思ってくれればしめたものね。 生きているうちにあなたにもっと負担をかけたい。 もっとわがままでいたい。 もっとあなたを頼りたい。 あなたを呆れさせても、そうしたい。 死んでしまったら終わりだと思っているから。 生きてこそ、と。 こんな手紙を読んでくれてありがとう。 どうしようもない「お馬鹿さん」の方があなたの心に残ると思ったので、そんな演出でメッセージを終えたいと思います。 I realized how the God would always give me a hand in wherever I go, whatever I do from the book “Kami tono taiwa”. Then I would never forget you would be there for me like the God. I would be amazed if you think what a weird letter I sent. I want to impose many burdens to you while I am alive. I want to be more selfish. I want to rely on you more. You would be disgusted with me, but I want you to be. It’s because I would be nothing if I die. Wish I could live longer. At the end, Thank you for being patient with my poor letter. However, it would remain you to think that I am stupid helpless girl better than a good girl. I want to close this dramatize letter here.
- みんなの回答 (6)
- 専門家の回答
その他の回答 (5)
- Shimo-py
- ベストアンサー率61% (170/275)
- Samurai-Jack
- ベストアンサー率18% (130/697)
- Shimo-py
- ベストアンサー率61% (170/275)
- Shimo-py
- ベストアンサー率61% (170/275)
- hogehogeninja
- ベストアンサー率35% (18/51)
追加質問させていただきながらですが、いったん締め切らせていただきます。 新たに質問を立ち上げさせていただきますので、目に留めていただけましたら宜しくお願い致します。
重ねての質問で恐縮ですが、 まず、若干、文章の前後を変えた部分がありますことをご了承ください。 前後を変えたことによって、文章の意味合いが通じないところが出てきていないか、再度チェックをお願いしたいです。 つぎに、今日現在の心境で申し上げますと、「何だかんだ言って、私は主治医に死期宣告されようと何だろうと、骨髄移植ドナーが現れるのをひたすら待ちます。あなたが好きだから、やっぱり死にたくないんです。」という気持ちが強いのですが、メッセージに加えることは可能でしょうか。 また、可能であれば、どの位置に挿入するのが適当か、例文と共に挙げていただきたいです。 よろしくお願い致します。 Happy birthday! First of all, I thank God for granting me I can live until your birthday in spite of troubles and difficulties. The book you've given me tells me how important gratitude is. Yes, it is the gratitude which you advised me to show instead of apology. And・・・ I feel something mysterious, for your birthday is the same as my late sister Shoko's. I have learned many things from you: your strong passion, profound emotion, great affection, warm heart and respectful attitude...these are all what you have shown me in my distress over my sister's death and my other experiences. I promise you not to say, "I'm sorry, Shoko, mom and dad, who are in deep sorrow even after death and cannot rest in peace". It is because you taught me that I should say to them "Thank you" instead. I have realized from the book "Kami tono taiwa" that God always gives me a hand wherever I go, whatever I do. I will never forget that you, too, have been with me like Him. Of course it would be an ideal if I could die without leaving any message after me. I didn't want to be a burden to you. But it is far from possible for me to accept my death in such a way. Looking death in the eye, you could not choose an ideal death. After all I still love you. I tried to forget about you, but I couldn't. Not a single day passes without my thinking of you. My desire will be fulfilled if you wonder why I leave with you a letter like this. I want to be a burden to you as long as I am alive. I want to act as I wish. I want to rely on you more. Even if you are disgusted with me, I want to behave as I like. It is because I will be nothing if I die. It is the privilege of the living to love. I leave this with you because I want to impress myself on you as a clumsy, inept person. This letter is designed as such (smile). I am happy that you read through my message. Thank you again, ○○さん. Best wishes, and with my sincere gratitude, A子.