For a decade or more, doctors have been able to test embryos for certain genetic defects, discard the bad ones and put the good ones in the mother`s body. About 700 children in the U.S. have been born as a result of this process. Those who seek such screenig are usually carriers of genetic diseases, have seen severe genetic illnesses in their families, and want to protect their children from suffering.
Consider the case of the woman who carried a gene for a rare from of Alzheimer`s disease that would cause her to develop the disease before age 40. But she wanted a family. So at age 30 she had her embryos screened at a clinic and 9 months later gave birth to a daughter who is free of the gene.
This case raises major questions. Who should have chidren. Who should decide.
One expert questioned the woman`s decision to have children at all, since she would soon be unable to take care of them, and they would have to suffer through her illness and death. Another expert questioned the woman`s decision based on issues of quality of life. This expert felt that the future facing the children was too break, the loss of their mother too inevitable and too great to bear.
Other experts supported the woman`s decision. One expert said, "We can`t promise children that they will always have two parents to care for them. Accidents happen, sickness occur, people get divorced." This expert suggested that it is not the position of the state to make decisions about who can or cannot have children. Other experts support her decision based on quality of life issues. One such expert felt that diseases which occured late in life are somehow different. The woman has 40 good years to live and enjoy The possibilities of those years, including childbearing, should be respected.
設問:In 100-150 words in English, answer the following question. "What should a woman who carries a genetic diseases do if she wants to have a child?"
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