Specifically, ever-larger fund managers are increasingly trapped in a paradox between the need to play an active corporate governance role commensurate with their size and the potential abyss of antitrust action. In this respect, managers, such as BlackRock and Vanguard, are at risk of following in the footsteps of JP Morgan’s Money Trust. This conflict may not come to a head given the paradoxical dependence of passive funds on a surrounding ecosystem of market fluidity and speculation (although Morgan, notably, had a similar ecological dependence; see De Long 1992).
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原典は,ISSN: 0013-0095 (Print) 1944-8287 (Online) Journal homepage: https://www.tandfonline.com/loi/recg20
Earth Incorporated: Centralization and Variegation
in the Global Company Network
Daniel Haberly & Dariusz Wójcik
To cite this article: Daniel Haberly & Dariusz Wójcik (2017) Earth Incorporated: Centralization
and Variegation in the Global Company Network, Economic Geography, 93:3, 241-266, DOI:
To link to this article: https://doi.org/10.1080/00130095.2016.1267561
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