The other day in the train I saw a young soldier opposite me on the journey to Portsmouth.
On the back of his right hand was tattooed a very red heart, and beneath were the words “True Love”; and on the back of his left hand was tattooed the head of a girl.
He was perhaps twenty.
(★)Should there be no more wars to trouble the world, I thought, as from time to time I glanced at him, he will probably live to be seventy.
【疑問点】no moreの訳・文法的役割は? / as の用法は? /live to be seventyは不定詞の副詞的用法の結果か?
Since tattoo marks never come out and the backs of one’s hands are usually visible to oneself, he is likely to have some curious thoughts as he passes down the years.
What kind of emotions, I wondered, will be his as he views them at thirty-one, forty-one, fifty-one?
And supposing that this first love fails, what will be the attitude of subsequent ladies to these tattoos.
(★)For it would probably be in vain, even if he were smart enough to think of it, for him to insist that the decoration was purely symbolic, the right-hand tattoo standing for love and the left for women in general.
【疑問点】主節はit would be~for 人to doの構文か?even if~は仮定法過去? think ofの訳は?itは何を指すのか?standingは分詞構文か?
That would hardly wash.
Subsequent ladies―and judging from his appearance and his early start there are sure to be some―may give him rather a difficult time.
【疑問点】his early startの訳は?
It all goes to prove what a dangerous thing impulse can be.
(★)And yet as I looked at his simple face, I found myself envying such a lack of self-protectiveness ; and I asked myself if, after all, those who will have nothing to do with self-protectiveness are not the salt of the earth.
The gamblers, the careless, the silppers of all the honey the moment contains: are not these the best?
Most young careless acts are not as reckless as his-and, of course, it may all end happily : what the young man did may turn out also to be right.
With all my heart I hope so.
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