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Should I Tell My Sister-in-Law About the Betrayal?
- Fifteen years ago, I learned something unflattering about my sister-in-law from a mutual friend. This revelation fractured our relationship, and I have since cut ties with that friend. However, my sister-in-law remains close with this person. Should I inform my sister-in-law about the betrayal or let her discover it on her own?
- I am torn between telling my sister-in-law about the betrayal I learned from a mutual friend fifteen years ago or staying quiet and letting her find out for herself. Witnessing their close bond brings up strong emotions. What should I do?
- Should I confront my sister-in-law about the betrayal I discovered fifteen years ago through a mutual friend? I have ended my friendship with that person, but she is still good friends with my sister-in-law. Seeing them together is driving me crazy.
- みんなの回答 (1)
- 専門家の回答
Seeing her buddy up to this personはどのような意味でしょうか? buddy up to は、下記のように「(人)と友達になる」という意味です。しかも up to には「~にこちらから(進んで)近寄る』という意味があります。 https://eow.alc.co.jp/search?q=buddy+up ですから、私の義姉(あるいは義妹)がこの人(=裏切り者のBarbie)と仲良くなろうと近づいていくのを見ると(私は気が狂いそうだ)」ということでしょう。