Learn why someone keeps their ex's contact information and how it affects their current relationship.
Discover the reasons behind keeping contact with an ex and how it can impact a current relationship.
Understanding the motives behind maintaining contact with an ex and the potential consequences for a current relationship.
私Hey I have to ask you something.
私Q1. Why are you keeping your ex contact?
彼Q1 I had her as a contact so I could know what’s going on in her life.
私Q2. I've been thinking a lot about how you still have your ex's contacts, and that pisses me off after all.
If you think only about me as you insist, then please block her and delete her contact info. Can you promise me that you'll delete all of her contacts? (If you don't like to do that, please tell me why.)
彼Q2 yes I will do that for you :3
私Q3. Have you ever say your ex also, that you wanted to marry her?
彼Q3 no way
私Q4. Have you ever shown your area to her too?
彼Q4 no, I’ve never shown anyone my area before. That’s why it took so long for me to send. Because I told myself I would never ever take a pic like that, but I really love you so much so that’s why I did it
私Hey I have to ask you something.
私Q1. Why are you keeping your ex contact?
彼Q1. 彼女の連絡先をとっておいたのは、彼女が人生をどう過ごしているか知りたかったからさ。
私Q2. I've been thinking a lot about how you still have your ex's contacts, and that pisses me off after all.
If you think only about me as you insist, then please block her and delete her contact info. Can you promise me that you'll delete all of her contacts? (If you don't like to do that, please tell me why.)
彼Q2. わかった、君が望むなら(君のために)そうするよ:3 。
私Q3. Have you ever say your ex also, that you wanted to marry her?
彼Q3. そんなことあり得ないさ。
私Q4. Have you ever shown your area to her too?
彼Q4. ないさ。自分のアソコを誰かに見せるなんて、一度もしたことない。だから(あのとき画像を)送るのにすごく躊躇したんだ(時間がかかったんだ)。なぜならあんな写真を撮るなんてこと、二度としないと自分に言いきかせたから。でも僕は君のことを心底愛している。それゆえに、送ってしまったんだ。