I’m disappointed with Beijing,which has maintained at least 300.00 Chinese people were slaughtered by Imperial Japanese soldiers in Nanjing,the then capital of Republic of China, during the Sino-Japanese war through 1937 to 1938.
Why I ‘m fed up with this is because they have been intentionally maligning the reputation of Japan in the world in the same way as the Nazis Germany has been thought of as a criminal state overseas. Needless to say this story is a complete frame-up by both the Kuomintang and the Chinese Communist Party for a kind of war propaganda,and what’s more, what they call the evidences of the massacre are totally contradictory to the facts. First of all, in those days the population of Nanjing was estimated about 250.00 according to the Nanjing International committee reports and no one testified in Tokyo Trials that they had witnessed such a slaughter but seen legal executions in the occupied capital.※
My point is that I earnestly ask you all not to blindly believe this absurd story as log as you have trust in Japan rather than China, and those who honestly wish to bring an end to any wars occurring now to seek to create not only the world free of any wars but the one free from any grudges as Japan ,the only country to have ever experienced nuclear devastation, got over the horrors of the WW2,was reconciled with the U.S. and has been consistently eager for world peace since then.
1※の部分のbutですが、接続詞として肯定文の中でseenは等位接続と考えますが、文中ではnoo oneから含んで「合法処刑は見たが、虐殺を目撃したと証言した人はいない」という意味だと考えますが文中での構文を説明頂きたいと思います。というのもthat以降の節での分だけ見れば対比関係になっていないの様にも見え非文用法なのかとも考えるからです。
21Japan,the only~は同格であると考えますが、このような一種関係詞で置き換えられるものを同格表現するのはかなり文語的な表現で、本来,whichで表すのをあえて固く表現しているとの理解でよろしいでしょうか?