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German reinforcements arrive and Canadian Divisions advance

  • Additional German reinforcements arrived to support the 111th Infantry Division near Acheville and Arleux.
  • British brigades moved up to the Red Line to support the Canadian Divisions' advance to the Blue Line.
  • The advance was temporarily halted to consolidate the captured territory before recommencing.


  • ベストアンサー
  • Nakay702
  • ベストアンサー率79% (10082/12630)

>Additional German reinforcements began arriving and by late evening portions of the 111th Infantry Division occupied the third line near Acheville and Arleux, with the remainder of the division arriving the following day. The British moved three fresh brigades up to the Red Line by 9:30 am on 10 April to support the advance of the 1st and 2nd Canadian Division, whereupon they were to leapfrog existing units occupying the Red line and advance to the Blue Line. ⇒追加のドイツ増援隊が到着し始めて、夕方遅くまでに第111歩兵師団の分隊がアシヴィーユとアルロー近くの第3戦線を占有し、翌日同師団の残り部隊が到着した。英国軍は第1、第2カナダ軍師団の進軍を支援するために4月10日午前9時30分までに「赤い線」へ新しい3個旅団を動かした。そこで、彼らは「赤い線」を占拠している既存の部隊を越えて、「青い線」へ進むことになっていた。 >Fresh units including two sections of tanks and the 13th British Brigade were called up from reserve to support the advance of the 2nd Canadian Division. By approximately 11:00 am, the Blue Line, including Hill 135 and the town of Thélus, had been captured. To permit the troops time to consolidate the Blue Line, the advance halted and the barrage remained stationary for 90 minutes while machine guns were brought forward. ⇒2班の戦車隊と第13英国軍旅団を含む新しい部隊が、第2カナダ軍師団の進軍を支えるために予備軍から召集された。午前11時頃までに、135番ヒルとテリュの町を含む「青い線」が攻略された。軍隊に「青い線」を強化する時間を与えるために進軍を止め、機関銃が前面へ出される間、集中砲火は90分間静止していた。 >Shortly before 1:00 pm, the advance recommenced with both the 1st and 2nd Canadian Divisions reporting their final objective.The tank supported advance via Farbus, and directed at the rear of the 79th Reserve Division, was eventually halted by concentrated German fire short of the village. ⇒午後1時直前に、第1、第2カナダ軍師団の両方が最終目標を報告して進軍を再開した。戦車班は、ファービュ経由で進軍を支援して第79予備師団の後衛部へ向かったが、結局、村の手前で強化したドイツ軍の砲火によって止められた。




