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High-density Artillery Support and Logistics at the Battle of Vimy Ridge

  • The Battle of Vimy Ridge saw a significant increase in the distribution of artillery, with one heavy gun for every 18 meters and one field gun for every 9.1 meters of Canadian Corps frontage. This was three times the number of guns compared to the Battle of the Somme.
  • Brigadier-General Edward Morrison developed a comprehensive fire support plan called Canadian Corps Artillery Instruction No. 1. This plan provided three times the usual amount of artillery support for the Canadian Corps.
  • To manage the logistics of the increased artillery, Major Alan Brooke developed coordinated communication and transport plans. This ensured the efficient delivery of ammunition and support during the battle.


  • ベストアンサー
  • Nakay702
  • ベストアンサー率79% (10082/12630)

>This firepower gave a density of one heavy gun for every 18 metres (20 yd) and one field gun for every 9.1 metres (10 yd) of Canadian Corps frontage,representing a considerable average increase, including three times the heavy guns, over the distribution of artillery at the Battle of the Somme a year earlier. ⇒この火器(の配置)は、カナダ軍団の前線に18メートル(20ヤード)ごとに1門の重砲、9.1メートル(10ヤード)ごとに1門の野戦砲配備の密度となったが、それは、1年前の「ソンムの戦い」における配備に対して、重砲の3倍を含んで、かなりの平均的増加を表している。 >Brigadier-General Edward Morrison developed and subsequently issued a 35-page multi-phased fire support plan called Canadian Corps Artillery Instruction No. 1 for the Capture of Vimy Ridge to support the efforts of the infantry. For its operations, the Canadian Corps received three times the artillery normally assigned to a corps for regular operations. ⇒エドワード・モリソン准将は、歩兵連隊の奮戦を支持するヴィミー・リッジ攻略のための「カナダ軍団砲兵隊指導No.1」と呼ばれる35ページの多局面砲火支援計画を作成して、発表した。 その作戦活動のために、カナダ軍団は、通常定期的な活動のため軍団に割り当てられる大砲の3倍を受け入れた。 >To manage the logistics associated with the increased artillery, Royal Artillery staff officer Major Alan Brooke developed coordinated communication and transport plans to work in conjunction with the complex barrage plans. A 1.6 million shell allotment allowed the artillery along the Canadian Corps front to maintain a high sustained rate of fire. Improvements in the quality of the shells compared to those used earlier in the war ensured fewer duds. ⇒増加した銃砲関連の兵站法を管理するために、王立砲兵隊参謀将校アラン・ブルック少佐は、複雑な集中砲火計画と連動して動けるように、連絡・輸送調整計画を開発した。 160万発の砲弾割当ては、カナダの軍団前線に沿った砲兵隊が高率の砲火を維持することを可能にした。砲弾の品質改善は、戦争の初期に使われたものと比較して、不発弾を確実に減らした。




