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The Anzac Mounted Division: A Summary

  • The Anzac Mounted Division returned to take up a position near El Dameita which it held until 16:00
  • The 54th (East Anglian) Division remained near Sheikh Abbas engaging the advancing Ottoman units from Beersheba
  • Ali Muntar, held by two battalions of the Essex Regiment, was strongly attacked resulting in a British infantry withdrawal


  • ベストアンサー
  • Nakay702
  • ベストアンサー率79% (10082/12630)

>The Anzac Mounted Division returned to take up a position near El Dameita which it held until 16:00, while the 54th (East Anglian) Division remained near Sheikh Abbas engaging the advancing Ottoman units from Beersheba. ⇒第54(東アングル)師団が、ベールシェバから進軍するオスマントルコ部隊と交戦しながらシャイフ・アッバスの近くに留まる間に、アンザック騎馬師団は16時まで維持したエル・ダミエッタの近くに陣地を奪還した。 >Ali Muntar, which had been held by two battalions of the Essex Regiment (54th Division), was strongly attacked, and at 09:30 the British infantry were forced to withdraw, having suffered severe losses. They fell back to Green Hill where they were almost surrounded, but managed to withdraw to a line south of Ali Muntar halfway between that hill and Sheluf. ⇒アリ・ムンターは、エセックス連隊(第54師団)の2個大隊によって保持されていたが、それが強烈な攻撃を浴びて深刻な損失を被り、9時30分に英国歩兵連隊は撤退を余儀なくされた。彼らは、ほとんど包囲されたグリーン・ヒルに後退したが、何とかその丘とシェルフ間の途中でアリ・ムンター南の戦線に撤退することができた。 >After first advising Murray, at 16:30 Dobell issued orders for the withdrawal to the left bank of the Wadi Ghuzzeh of the 53rd (Welsh) and the 54th (East Anglian) Divisions under the command of Dallas. This retirement, which began at 19:00, was completed without interference from the Ottoman Army. An aerial reconnaissance on the morning of 28 March reported that no Ottoman units were within range of the British guns. No large scale attacks were launched by either side, but very active aircraft bombings and artillery duels continued for a time. ⇒ドーベルは、まずマレイに助言した後、16時30分に第53(ウェールズ)、第54(東アングル)師団にダラスの指揮下でワジ・グゼフ左岸へ撤退するよう命令を出した。この退去は19時に始まったが、オスマントルコ軍からの干渉なしで完了した。3月28日朝の空中偵察調査は、オスマントルコ軍部隊が英国の銃砲の射程内にはいないと報告した。どちらの側からも大規模攻撃は開始されなかったが、非常に活発な航空機による爆撃と砲撃による対決はしばらく続いた。




