You can increase your chances of purchasing by focusing on a single item.
If the Supreme site crashes, be persistent and wait for it to come back.
Desktop bots should select a category for the search to work properly.
翻訳お願いします 全部じゃなくてもいいです
You can certainly attempt to aim for multiples, but doing so can lower your odds of successfully purchasing, best to focus on a single item!
The Supreme site may crash, normally this isn’t an issue however box logo hype is unreal. If the site does crash continue to be persistent until it is back up.
In the event that anything does change on the site, take control the bot will work where it can and you will need to manually continue where it cant. We don’t foresee this happening but keep your eyes open and be ready.
Supreme Desktop bots need to make sure that a category is selected or else the search wont work – category search is available in the latest updates. Read more on the new updates HERE
Desktop Timer not needed if you are available on the computer at time of drop.
Checkout Delay Recommendations:
Safe Delay (high delay): 3 Seconds
Fastest Delay (low delay): 0 Seconds
The higher the delay the less odds of receiving a ghost order, lower delay the faster the checkout speed but risk getting a ghost order.