はじめにお断りしますが、これを送る先が英語圏の国だと、この文は結構相手を怒らせます。ビジネスマナーとして強くクレームするときも婉曲な言い回しをし you should みたいな命令口調は使いません。
Your answer to my question sounds like the order was already shipped but you could't know the delivery status as the courier hadn't updated the tracking information.
Is my understanding right?
My question was very simple and not special to answer. That asked when I can receive the ordered product.
But you didn't answer properly to my question which I need to know. Instead, you defer the answer to the courier's responsibility.
Only I can do for the order is now just to wait with no clue.
It was you who shipped the product. Then you must keep the history record of delivery issued by the courier. I think you should have checked the latest status with the courier and informed the result to your customer.
I'd expect more reasonable answer as a professional.
アドバイスも含め、ありがとうございました。 大変助かりました。~