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Allgemeines über Stellungsbau: Principles of Field Fortification

  • Allgemeines über Stellungsbau (Principles of Field Fortification) was published in January 1917, providing instructions for constructing defenses in depth and using dispersal and camouflage to disguise them.
  • The main purpose of trench-lines was accommodation, supply storage, and deception, rather than serving as firing-lines.
  • The front line deep dug-outs were to be replaced with smaller, shallow pillboxes located towards the rear. The chain of command was streamlined, with corps headquarters being transformed into groups responsible for administrative tasks.


  • ベストアンサー
  • Nakay702
  • ベストアンサー率79% (10082/12630)

>Allgemeines über Stellungsbau (Principles of Field Fortification) was published in January 1917, in which instructions were given for the construction of defences in depth, according to the principles of greater depth and of disguise by dispersal and camouflage. ⇒「要塞陣地建設の原則」(Allgemeines über Stellungsbau)が1917年1月に公表されたが、それによって、より大きな奥行き、および分散配置とカモフラージュによる偽装工作の原則に従って、奥行きに関する防衛施設の建設指示があった。 >Trench-lines were mainly intended for accommodation, dumps of supplies and as decoys rather than be firing-lines. Deep dug-outs in the front line were to be replaced by many more smaller, shallow Mannschafts-Eisen-Beton-Unterstände (pillboxes) with most built towards the rear of the defensive areas. ⇒塹壕戦線は、砲火最前線であるよりはむしろ、主として宿泊設備、供給必需品の集積場のためであり、また、おとりとして(の建設が)意図されていた。奥深い最前線の待避壕は、ほとんどが防御地域の後部へ向かって造ることで、手前の多くの小さなマンシャフト-アイゼン-ベトン-ウンターシュタンテ(トーチカ、砲座)と取り替えるものとした。 >Within the new forward zones, battlezones and rearward battle zones, the chain of command was streamlined by making corps headquarters into Gruppen (groups), responsible for the administrative tasks in an area into which divisions would be moved for periods, before being withdrawn to rest, train and be brought up to strength. ⇒新しい前衛地帯、戦闘地帯、後部交戦地帯の内部で、諸師団が所定期間の間移動して休養し、訓練を受けて、軍団に召還される地域での管理業務に対して、諸軍団本部がグループ(Gruppen)化して責任を持つことによって、指揮系統が合理化された。




