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Battle of Morval and Thiepval Ridge: Turning Point in the Somme

  • Arrangements were immediately made to follow up the tactical success at the Battle of Morval and Thiepval Ridge.
  • In September, the German armies on the Somme suffered about 130,000 casualties, making it the most costly month of the battle.
  • The German Empire was brought closer to military collapse than ever before, due to the losses at Verdun, on the Eastern Front, and the Somme.


  • ベストアンサー
  • Nakay702
  • ベストアンサー率79% (10068/12612)

>Arrangements were begun immediately to follow up the tactical success which, after supply and weather delays, began on 25 September at the Battle of Morval and was continued by the Reserve Army next day at the Battle of Thiepval Ridge. ⇒補給調達と悪天候による遅れのあと、9月25日に「モルヴァルの戦い」で始まった戦術的な成功に追随するための準備が直ちに開始され、翌日それが「ティープヴァル・リッジの戦い」という形で予備隊方面軍によって続けられた。 >In September, the German armies on the Somme lost about 130,000 casualties, the most costly month of the battle. Combined with the losses at Verdun and on the Eastern Front, German Empire was brought closer to military collapse than at any time before the autumn of 1918. ⇒9月は戦いで最も高くついた月で、ソンム戦でのドイツ方面軍はおよそ130,000人の犠牲者の損失を被った。ヴェルダンの損失と東部戦線のそれが複合されて、ドイツ帝国は、1918年の秋以前のいかなる時期よりも軍事崩壊の瀬戸際に立たされた。



