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※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:Xenophanesについての英文)

Exploring Xenophanes: A Critic of Anthropomorphic Gods

  • Xenophanes of Colophon was a critic of the Homeric concept of anthropomorphic gods. He believed that the gods depicted by Homer had immoral and disgraceful traits, making them unworthy of veneration.
  • Xenophanes also expressed cultural relativism by highlighting how different cultures have different representations of gods. He pointed out that different cultures imagine their gods to have physical features similar to their own.
  • In addition, Xenophanes criticized Pythagoras' doctrine of the transmigration of souls. He mocked the idea that a human soul could inhabit another animal. Instead, Xenophanes believed in a single deity that was completely different from humans and controlled everything through his thoughts.


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  • bakansky
  • ベストアンサー率48% (3506/7251)

> Likewise, he criticized Pythagoras’ doctrine of the transmigration of souls, making fun of the idea that a human soul could inhabit another animal. Xenophanes held some vague concept of a single deity that was ‘in no way like men in shape or in thought’ but rather ‘causing all things by the thought of his mind’.  クセノパネスも、ピタゴラスの魂の転生説、すなわち人間の魂は別の動物の魂に輪廻するという考えを受け入れなかった。クセノパネスは、姿かたちや心はいささかも人間と異なり、万象をその心のままに作り出すような、単一神という考えをぼんやりと抱いていた。  not A but B という構文はご存知かと思いますが、ここではその変形ともいえる形が使われています。in no way が not と等価、あるいはもっと強い表現としてあり、その先に but が現れてきます。構文としては not A but B と同じことです。  like men in shape or in thought は、ユダヤ教の神 (後にはキリスト教の神にもなりますが) のような、人の姿は神の姿を映したものだとする考え方です。姿だけでなく、思考する特製も神 (唯一神) に通じるものだとすることを表現する文です。



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