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The Fall of Guillemont: A Tough Nut to Crack

  • Despite its underground tunnels and concrete emplacements, Guillemont proved to be a challenging fortress for the British during the previous two months. However, on September 3rd, the British finally succeeded in capturing Guillemont.
  • While Guillemont fell, other targets like High Wood and the Schwaben Redoubt remained under German control. Meanwhile, on the Somme riverbanks, the French managed to capture the villages of Clery and Omiecourt.
  • The capture of Guillemont marked a significant victory for the British forces, demonstrating their perseverance and determination in the face of formidable defenses.


  • ベストアンサー
  • Nakay702
  • ベストアンサー率79% (10082/12630)

>With its maze of underground tunnels, dugouts and concrete emplacements, Guillemont was a veritable fortress and an unquestionably tough nut to crack, as evidenced by the earlier failures of the British attacks during the previous two months. ⇒英国軍による先行2か月間の早期攻撃の失敗で証明されたように、ギルモンは、地下トンネルの迷路、待避壕、コンクリート製砲床によってまぎれもない要塞であり、疑いもなく強固なナット(塊)なのであった。 >The 3 September attack finally saw Guillemont fall to the British. Other targets during the wider attack, such as High Wood and the Schwaben Redoubt, remained however firmly in German hands. On the banks of the Somme the French succeeded in taking both villages of Clery and Omiecourt. ⇒9月3日の攻撃は、最終的にギルモンが英国軍の手に落ちる状況となった。より広い攻撃の間の他の標的ハイ・ウッド(高地森林)やシュワーベン・レダウト(小砦)などは、ドイツ軍の手に残った。ソンム川の両岸ではフランス軍がクレリイとオミクールの両村を奪取することに成功した。




