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Australian Centre Advances in World War I

  • During World War I, the Australian centre made significant advances on the German front line, capturing prisoners and creating a crater lip as a defensive measure.
  • However, the Australian soldiers faced difficulties when they found flat fields and water-filled ditches, which hindered their progress.
  • Despite heavy casualties and encounters with German strongholds, elements of the Australian centre were able to reach a main road near the German line.


  • ベストアンサー
  • Nakay702
  • ベストアンサー率79% (10082/12630)

以下のとおりお答えします。映像がイメージしにくいので時間がかかりましたが、結局は(よく分からないまま)文字面だけの訳文になってしまいました。 >In the Australian centre the 14th (NSW*) Brigade had fewer casualties, reached the German front line and took a number of prisoners. When the Australians advanced further they found only flat fields and ditches full of water. A line was selected for consolidation and ten machine-guns were sent forward. The 8th Brigade battalions attacked through machine-gun fire from the front and flanks. ⇒オーストラリア軍中央隊で第14(NSW*)旅団は犠牲者も少なく、ドイツ軍の最前線に到達して、何人か敵兵を捕縛した。オーストラリア軍がより遠くへ進んだとき、彼らが発見したのは平らな野原と水でいっぱいの壕だけであった。強化のために戦線が選ばれ、10門の機関銃を前面に設置した。第8旅団の大隊が、正面と側面から機関銃砲火で攻撃した。 *NSW=New South Waes(オーストラリア南東部の都市)。 >A 1,200-pound (540 kg) mine was blown on the outer flank with the intention of creating a crater lip that would screen the attacking infantry but when the Australians reached the German breastwork they pressed on, finding the same terrain as the 14th Brigade. The 32nd Battalion, on the eastern flank, suffered heavy casualties while attacking a German stronghold in the ruins of Delangre Farm. Elements of the 14th Brigade reached a main road 400 metres (440 yd) south of the German line, before withdrawing to the ditch. ⇒攻撃する歩兵連隊を隠すような火口縁を造る目的で1,200ポンド(540kg)の爆薬を打ち込んで爆破させたものの、オーストラリア軍がドイツ軍の胸壁に襲いかかってそこに着いてみると、第14旅団の場合と変わらない地形であった。第32大隊は、東側面上で、ドラングル農場跡の荒廃地でドイツ軍の拠点を攻撃する間に重大な犠牲を蒙った。第14旅団の部隊は、壕に引き下がる前にドイツ軍戦線の南400メートル(440ヤード)の主要路まで迫り着いていた。




