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  • 131文字:The Quadrilateral commanded the western approach to the spur and the rise northwards to the pill-boxes at Tower Hamlets.
  • 123文字:The left hand brigade of the division reached the third objective and threw back its right flank to the brigade on the right.
  • 161文字:Despite the failure to capture Tower Hamlets, parts of the two leading battalions of 124th Brigade running away before being rallied and two dead and three wounded battalion commanders, the division defeated all German counter-attacks during the day.


  • ベストアンサー
  • Nakay702
  • ベストアンサー率79% (10068/12612)

>The Quadrilateral commanded the western approach to the spur and the rise northwards to the pill-boxes at Tower Hamlets. The left hand brigade of the division reached the third objective and threw back its right flank to the brigade on the right, which had advanced just beyond the second objective and then joined the left flank of 39th Division. ⇒「四辺形要塞」は、西の山脚へのアプローチと北のタワー・ハムレッツ(小村落)にあるピルボックスへの登坂を命じた。師団の左手旅団が第3標的に達し、その旅団の右翼上に右側面隊を引き戻した。そして、それは第2標的を越えて進み、それから第39師団の左側面隊と合流した。 >Despite the failure to capture Tower Hamlets, parts of the two leading battalions of 124th Brigade running away before being rallied and two dead and three wounded battalion commanders, the division defeated all German counter-attacks during the day. The 23rd Division was held up for a short time by a German strong point in Dumbarton Wood, which had been missed by the barrage and caused many casualties. ⇒タワー・ハムレッツ攻略で失敗し、第124旅団の主導2個大隊のうちの数個部隊が再編成される前に逃走し、大隊司令官の2名が死亡して3名が負傷したにもかかわらず、師団はすべてのドイツ軍の反撃をその日の間に破った。ダンバートン・ウッドの強化地点に駐屯するドイツ軍は集中砲火を逃れていたので、第23師団に多くの死傷者数を引き起こして、しばらく足止めさせた。 >Despite the delay and the difficulty of navigating through clouds of dust and smoke caused by the barrage and the marshy ground north of Dumbarton Lake, the first objective was reached a few minutes after the barrage and consolidated along the source of the Bassevillebeek. The 69th Brigade on the left managed to get through Inverness Copse but German troops emerged from cover and fired on the troops behind as they moved up to attack the second objective, causing severe losses, before they were killed or captured. ⇒ダンバートン湖北の湿地、および集中砲火で巻き上げられた塵や煙の中を通って進軍することによる遅延と困難にもかかわらず、集中砲火の数分後に最初の標的には到達し、バセヴィレベークの水源地に沿って強化した。左翼の第69旅団はどうにかしてインヴァーネス雑木林を通ったが、旅団が第2標的を攻撃するため移動したとき、隠れ場から出現したドイツ軍隊によって背後から発砲されて甚大な損失を引き起こされて、あるいは殺害され、あるいは捕縛された。 >The troops, who had been severely reduced in numbers following on through the Copse, were still able to capture a line of German fortifications along Menin Road, north of the hamlet of Kantinje Cabaret. Of four tanks attached for the attack along Menin Road, one bogged early and the infantry advance was too swift for the other three tanks to keep up. A tank was knocked out on the road and the other two carried ammunition and equipment to the troops at the final objective. ⇒この軍隊は、雑木林を通っていく間に厳しく員数が減ってしまったが、それでもまだカンチンジェ・キャバレー部落北のメニン道に沿ってドイツ軍の要塞戦線を攻略することができた。メニン道沿いの攻撃のために配備された4台の戦車のうち、1台は早々に沼にはまり、また歩兵隊の進軍が迅速すぎたので、他の3台の戦車はそれについて行けなかった。道路上で1台の戦車が破壊されたが、他の2台の戦車は最終標的にいる軍隊に弾薬や装備機器を運び届けた。 >The 1st Australian Division on the right of I Anzac Corps, advanced on a 1,000 yd (910 m) front north of the Menin Road, with its right aimed at FitzClarence Farm, against part of the Bavarian Ersatz Division and most of the 121st Division. The Australians passed through Glencorse Wood, which had changed hands twice in August and quickly suppressed German resistance. ⇒第Iアンザック軍団右翼の第1オーストラリア師団の右翼隊が、バヴァリア・エルサッツ師団の一部および第121師団の大部分に対抗して、フィッツクラレンス農場を目指してメニン道北の1,000ヤード(910m)前線上を進軍した。8月に2回人手を入れ替えていたオーストラリア軍がグレンコース・ウッドを通過して、迅速にドイツ軍の抵抗を抑制した。


