- 締切済み
The all-out submarine war means a new chapter in the decisive battle of the German people. With deep seriousness and utmost resolution, the whole German people stands united behind the men who are wielding this sharp weapon against the enemy in an unfailing spirit of sacrifice and with astounding success. According these heroes thanks with the same unanimity is the duty of all Germans. Therefore a submarine appeal is being launched for this noble purpose as a gift from the entire German nation. The Chancellor of the Reich and General Field-Marshal von Hindenburg have agreed to be Honorary Presidents. So to all fellow Germans the sincere request goes out to be willing to contribute your might for the submarine fleet. Let each give according to his capacity! Donations accepted until 15 July at: the boxes designated by special posters, at all State administration and local authorities, and banks and post offices. Printed by C. C. Meinhold and Sons, Dresden.
- みんなの回答 (1)
- 専門家の回答
- Nakay702
- ベストアンサー率79% (10007/12518)
ご質問の順にお答えしていますので、遅れましたが、以下のとおりお答えします。 >The all-out submarine war means a new chapter in the decisive battle of the German people. With deep seriousness and utmost resolution, the whole German people stands united behind the men who are wielding this sharp weapon against the enemy in an unfailing spirit of sacrifice and with astounding success. According these heroes thanks with the same unanimity is the duty of all Germans. Therefore a submarine appeal is being launched for this noble purpose as a gift from the entire German nation. ⇒全面的な潜水艦戦争は、ドイツ軍にとって決戦というの新しい章に入ることを意味する。真剣かつ最大の決意をもって驚異的な成功とゆるぎない犠牲の精神をもって、この鋭い武器を駆使しながら敵に立ち向かう兵士の後方で、全ドイツ人民が団結している。満場一致でこれらの英雄に感謝を捧げることは、全ドイツ人の責務である。したがって、潜水艦の(威力への)訴えは、全てのドイツ人からの贈り物として、この崇高な目的のために始められるのだ。 >The Chancellor of the Reich and General Field-Marshal von Hindenburg have agreed to be Honorary Presidents. So to all fellow Germans the sincere request goes out to be willing to contribute your might for the submarine fleet. Let each give according to his capacity! Donations accepted until 15 July at: the boxes designated by special posters, at all State administration and local authorities, and banks and post offices. Printed by C. C. Meinhold and Sons, Dresden. ⇒ライヒ(ドイツ帝国)の首相と陸軍元帥フォン・ヒンデンブルク将軍は、名誉大統領であることに同意した。それで、仲間の全ドイツ人に対して、海底艦隊のためにあなたの力を寄進してくださるように、という誠実な要請が出回ることでしょう。各々の方がその能力に応じた寄付をしてください! 寄付は、7月15日まで以下のところで受け付けられます。すなわち、すべての州管理部と地方自治体で、C. C.マインホルト親子社(ドレスデン)によって印刷された特別なポスターによって示される私書箱、銀行、郵便局で。