on the no entirely unreasonable basis that they would have told him not to do it
"The Graveyard Book"(by Neil Gaiman)という小説に出てくる一節について質問します。
There were broken lumps of other people's stones and statues in the graveyard, but, Bod knew, that would have been entirely the wrong sort of thing to bring to the grey-eyed witch in the potter's field. It was going to take more than that. He decided not to tell anyone what he was planning, on the entirely unreasonable basis that they would have told him not to do it.
上野"on the entirely unreasonable basis that they would have told him not to do it."を翻訳してください。
墓地には他の死者たちの墓石の破片が落ちてるけど,そんなものを灰色の瞳の魔女のところへ持って行くのは,どう考えても間違っている。他のものが必要だ。ボドは自分の計画していることを誰にも離さないことにした。on the basis that they would have told him not to do it.
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