Four English Sentences: Breath, Love, Tuesdays, and Changing Feelings
Breath. Let go. And remind yourself that this very moment is the only one you know you have for sure.
I want to love someone whose heart has been broken, so that he knows exactly how it feels and won't break mine.
"Buck off" Tuesday!
1. Breath. Let go. And remind yourself that this very moment is the only one *you know you have for sure.
*you know you have for sure の部分をうまく訳しきれません。
2. I want to love someone whose heart has* been broken, so that he knows exactly how it feels and won't break mine.
so that 以下は結果と理由の意味をもたせて訳してみました。しかしこの文章はよくみれば has* been broken と完了形になっています。そうすると、悲嘆させたように、というふうに訳すほうが良いのかとも考えてしまいますが、それだとちょっと奇妙な感じがします。ここでは完了形ではなくて継続の意味と考えれば私の訳はそのままでもよいでしょうか?
3. "Buck off" Tuesday!
"buck" を調べた限りではスラングで1ドルのことのようです。お店の前だったら1ドルまけるということになるんでしょうか?
4. it starts off so good but time alters the feelings & suddenly the one you wanted no longer appears appealing, you no longer feel willing to continue. people become whom they already were, destroying the pretty picture you once took of them. those feelings you felt begin to fade like the sun light behind rain clouds.
"It starts off so good" は、大変気分よく始まる、くらいで訳してよいでしょうか?
"people become whom they already were, destroying the pretty picture you once took of them." の一文は文法的にも表現的にも和訳するのに手こずります。特に "took of" が検索にかかっても今一つはっきりしません。個人的には take charge of を略したものかなとも考えました。この一文の全訳も含めて回答をお願いします。