Vending Machines
Japan is well known for its vending machines.
In fact, it could be called the vending machine capital of the world.
No matter where you are in japan, you're only a step or two away from a vending machine.
Streets and buildings are overflowing with them.
Oh, there's a hot and cold drinks machine right there.
This is definitely not the case in most other countries, though.
You seldom see a vending machine in public places.
Japanese, when they travel abroad, often find this lack of vending machines very inconvenient.
Why have vending machines become so popular in Japan?
Limited space, the dense population, and low crime rate have all been pointed out as reasons.
Behind the convenience of Japan's vending machines lie some serious problems.
Some sell cigarettes and beer, so even teenagers can readily buy them.
Vending machines also raise concerns about the environment.
Critics say they consume too much energy and waste resources.
And, if you ask me, they're ugly, too.
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