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※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:次の日本語の文章を英訳お願いします。)


  • 私の話はバカみたいでしょう?でも愛が溢れている。
  • 忙しい共働き生活でも、何かが足りないと感じていた。
  • 結婚5年目の彼がおもちゃの指輪を私に。ダイヤのように美しく輝くと感じた。


  • ベストアンサー
  • Him-hymn
  • ベストアンサー率66% (3489/5257)

You may think what I say is stupid but I'd say it's full of love. I'm 30 years old, my husband 40. We have no children. Five years ago, we married, a family of two. We both work from nine in the morning till nine in the evening. We're busy. We both say that we both like to work and having a job is lucky, so to speak. Yet, having such life, I think something is lacking in me. Three days ago, when I was cooking dinner, my husband came home, saying "I'm home" with a smile as usual. Yet, that day, there was one thing that was different from usual. He had a small box in his hand. It was a box with a ring in it. A velvet ring. He said, "I bought you a second ring." I said, "What do you mean?" He said, "It's a wedding ring, you see? I really thank you for everything. So take it!" I suffocated when the box was opened. It was the ring I had long wanted to have. It was a toy ring you may be able to get with ga-cha ga-cha capsuled-toy vending machine. Being a big fan of Harry Potter, I was really moved and stunned as I got that wonderful "Marvolo Gaunt's Ring" from him. I just said "Thank you", being so close to tears, I put it in the pocket on my apron. It's five years since we got married. I thought, "I dearly love him, and he does love me, too." This was it. The thing I thought was lacking, in my busy daily life. I had forgotten about that. Well, you may think this is a small thing. Just a toy ring. But to me, it is a beautifully shining diamond. Or, it's more than a diamond. I am grateful for his affection and kindness, and in return for the ring, I'd like to be a good wife for him. If we have some day a child, and if the child grows up, I'd difinately talk about this episode. The child may say, "You two are fools!" But imaging it is great fun for me. 以上でいかがでしょうか?



ありがとうございます! とても参考になり、感謝しています!

その他の回答 (1)

  • Him-hymn
  • ベストアンサー率66% (3489/5257)

You may think what I say is stupid but I'd say it's full of love. I'm 30 years old, my husband 40. We have no children. Five years ago, we married, a family of two. We both work from nine in the morning till nine in the evening. We're busy. We both say that we both like to work and having a job is lucky, so to speak. Yet, having such life, I think something is lacking in me. Three days ago, when I was cooking dinner, my husband came home, saying "I'm home" with a smile as usual. Yet, that day, there was one thing that was different from usual. He had a small box in his hand. It was a box with a ring in it. A velvet ring. He said, "I bought you a second ring." I said, "What do you mean?" He said, "It's a wedding ring, you see? I really thank you for everything. So take it!" I suffocated when the box was opened. It was the ring I had long wanted to have. It was a toy ring you may be able to get with ga-cha ga-cha capsuled-toy vending machine. Being a big fan of Harry Potter, I was really moved and stunned as I got that wonderful "Marvolo Gaunt's Ring" from him. I just said "Thank you", being so close to tears, I put it in the pocket on my apron. It's five years since we got married. I thought, "I dearly love him, and he does love me, too." This was it. The thing I thought was lacking, in my busy daily life. I had forgotten about that. Well, you may think this is a small thing. Just a toy ring. But to me, it is a beautifully shining diamond. Or, it's more than a diamond. I am grateful for his affection and kindness, and in return for the ring, I'd like to be a good wife for him. If we have some day a child, and if the child grows up, I'd talk about this episode. The child may say, "You two are fools!" But imaging it is great fun for me. 以上でいかがでしょうか?
